
I really enjoyed them, too. It’s life as a parent, encapsulated into simple windowsill photos: there are Legos everywhere.

Right? I mean, I like makeup but if I didn’t leave the house without at least wearing some everyone at work would act like I had become clinically depressed or was sick or something.

Having a younger child and finding Legos everywhere.

Huh. Must be nice to merely use soap and still be regarded as well groomed. Excuse me while I cry into this Sephora shopping bag.

nice to see a man’s product diary! (if there were others, i’ve missed them.) more ammunition for me to tell my husband to please for the love of god put on some moisturizer.

For me, this...person...is well into ‘death is too good for him’ territory. The definitely-going-to-hell part of me wishes him a long life in the penal system...filled with as much fear, pain, and suffering as can be put upon him.

Yeah, I get the feeling this is just one of these people we’re all supposed to hate because he allegedly makes bad music. If you don’t like his stuff, fine, but let’s not shit all over someone who otherwise seems to be a good person? Is that too controversial?

Starred for the let’s let Charlie Brown kick the football at least once-esque ethos.

Is this supposed to make us hate Ed Sheeran? The poor bastard is already working against the odds as a pop star, he isn’t cool and he really isn’t conventionally good looking and his tattoos are horrific so if he gets to play the royal wedding reception good on him. I like his music, he isn’t the Anne Hathaway of

Some of the sheeple reading this maybe confused if they should hate this person like they are told to hate Taylor Swift or if they should revere this person like they are told to revere Beyonce.

I think what she did is fine. I also think that what the festival is doing is fine. Their mistake was in not communicating with artists about the way the lineup would be presented.


A coin is also way easier to keep on your desk or mantle as a symbol of your triumph over your enemy. I know I’d be tempted to do that, and Taylor Swift is a hell of a lot better at holding grudges than I am.

He probably thinks that a Sacajawea coin is an insult, the same way Trump likes to sling around Pocahontas.

Much like the high ratings for CBS shows, I will put that down to autoplay and people falling asleep while heavily medicated. I want to believe my fellow humans are better than this.

This. I hate to agree, but this is probably accurate. It was less about believing male victims over female victims (although still a problem) and more about liability on the set versus bad press.

They dragged their feet too long. But Spacey’s accusations included on-set stuff where Netflix could be liable as an employer for not acting on numerous complaints of workplace harassment (and probably already will be.) Nobody could sue them for actions Masterson committed off-set.

Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, people have different tastes in music? And that’s okay? I know it’s hard to understand, but that’s the reality.

I’m kinda Switzerland when it comes to Ed, I listen and sing along to his ear worm songs on the radio, and have no real objections to him. I can say in his defense that I appreciate he can stand up and start busking with just his guitar and music he writes without a big production. He seems to be cheerful—enjoys

If you don’t believe Spotify plays are the most relevant metric for pop music success today... the joke is on you.