
God damnit. One of the greatest movies of the 90s and it is COMPLETELY tinged in sludge and dirt and grossness.

It’s one of my favorite movies, but there’s no way Miller’s Crossing is more famous than The Usual Suspects.

Without evidence present on foul deeds, I try to look at history. John Oliver’s history reads pretty honestly and includes things like marrying an Iraq war veteran who smuggled him through the ‘08 Republican National Convention. His show LastWeekTonight reads really honestly and he definitely shows a lot of passion in

We just need John Oliver to host future Presidential debates.

Fuck yes

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

I am thoroughly impressed by all of it.

Thank you for sharing. Very powerful.

It’s definitely a lace-front. You can see the lace on the right side of her forehead.

Now playing

I knoooooow. Ashton Kutcher, someone who I struggle to like, is heavily involved with this org too...he spoke to congress and I have to say it was also pretty fucking great:

Have never been a fan of hers, but goddamn, she spoke honestly and plainly. Makes me want to get involved with this organization.

Lie down with dogs...

I know it sounds bad, but to be honest, I wasn’t as affected by this stuff before having my own kids. Now I walk around thinking about this stuff and feeling like I want to go out and save every child from ever being hurt. It enrages me that this happens.

I have read Jez for years and years, yet I’ve never commented. I read almost all the comments on articles that grab my attention. I’ve wanted to comment many times, but wasn’t sure how a reply would impact my inbox (spam, notification emails, etc. ). Yet this video has compelled me to reply.


WTF is wrong with people that this is a sexual preference? And this has me scared beyond words for my 11 year old daughter - I feel like you can’t trust anyone at all. This world sucks - for this and for that idiot in the WH who is destroying our country day by day (oh and his Republican cohorts who passed that

Oh, wow. How deeply, deeply saddening. And yes, a brave speech. Newfound respect for her.

It looks like a wig...

Lively sounded so nervous and passionate, much like a non-celebrity would if they had to get up in front of a room of really impressive people. It makes me really like her.
