That thing does deserve a trigger warning.
That thing does deserve a trigger warning.
jesus christ, warn a bitch
My favorite Chris Pine is Prince Charming in Into The Woods, because he doesn’t exactly play Prince Charming...he plays Chris Pine playing Captain Kirk playing Prince Charming and it is hilarious and delightful.
I love her so, so much as Bellwether, the put upon assistant mayor in Zootopia. Everything she says is naturally hilarious:
OMG, yes, watching Chris Evans become Captain America has been the silver lining on this shitty-ass year.
There is a very bizarre yet vocal section of the internet dedicated to tearing her and this relationship down. I don’t get it. I think they’re adorable. And reading about them is how I stumbled onto the craziness. Everyone is convinced (with basically zero proof) that she left her husband for. Chris. Which if so her…
Hell yeah we did. It only went downhill because we decided to start arguing about it. But then it did get better because I now have information I did not have before, which is that my husband is a MASSIVE Captain America fan and now I can use that to my advantage in future discussions.
I’m sure you mean “because” not “but.”
Downhill? That just sounds like you picked the appropriate pair for a Fantastic Foursome.
I for one won’t be happy until he’s dating Sebastian Stan.
Yes, but would that well-tailored trench coat on a stick look half as pretty tied to Diana’s bed using the Lasso of Truth?
Evans is the number one Chris for three reasons:
I’ve had a crush on Chris/Capt America since First Avenger, he is cool, funny and he rescued his dog while he was in GA filming a movie.
Sebastian Stan tho mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Logic checks out.
I would have agreed about “Basic Chris” Pine until Wonder Woman. Now my eyes have been opened, and I might even make No. 2 a tie.
I briefly entertained choosing Loki because tall cheeseballs with high cheekbones are kind of my jam, but then I remembered about Bucky and yeah. That.
These are solid choices. Which is why Cap and Bucky choose each other.
Last night we watched the trailer for Infinity Wars and decided which of the characters we’d like to fuck the most. My husband picked Captain America. I picked Bucky.