
I’ve done it, but I married her first.

An allegation, even a passionate one, does not prove guilt.

Yes, that’s exactly what I said.


Chuck Todd, Chris Matthews, the list in nearly endless honestly. White dudes hate Hillary like it’s a sport.

You rule, Rooo. All of what you said. All. of. it. Of course we have clueless white dudes sticking up for Matt fucking Taibbi in these comments. But they really love their daughters so they’re not sexist. Jesus Christ. It’s like clockwork.

Progress! First companies would ignore it. Then with Weinstein it took a bombshell news article followed by days/weeks of outrage for people to get fired. Then the time window of outrage shortened. Now, we’re getting firings before the bombshell news report.

Yup. I’m a guy and also former Jeopardy winner. He was a huge dick to me, but I assume that he’s a huge dick to everyone regardless of gender.

Also his comment to Anne Hathaway

I DO think he’s condescending but I think he’s a dick to everyone equally.

I never get this one. I don’t see it at all. And I’m a former Jeopardy! winner, and a woman. I personally don’t find him condescending, but if he is, I feel like it’s equal-opportunity condescension.

THIS. His Trump/Hillary interviews were SHAMEFUL.

About time.

If they fired people for being horrible interviewers Matt Lauer would have been out years ago.

I am waiting for complaints against Alex Trebek to emerge. He is so condescending to women on Jeopardy, you know that he is a creep.

I don’t think the complaint came in and they fired him the same day. A detailed complaint was probably filed some time ago.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

A husband is a longer lifetime commitment that a dog, ideally.

If a preggers Kylie drives the truck, and will make change for me out of one of those belts from which you can make change for bills, yeah. I’ll buy some of her sad swag.