
This is a real apology and a how you take responsibility for your actions. An ethics investigation will rightly conclude that he did nothing unethical while in office, since this occurred prior to his service. Of course, he’ll probably end up forced out of the Senate to make up for Roy Moore, because the Republicans

Are there any good guys? Are there?

Or, just hire more women to do stuff.

Yes it does.

It’s a staged photo intended to humiliate her. It robs her of any agency over how her body is being used to entertain people. The fact that he isn’t actually touching her doesn’t change any of that.

Yeah to all the people who are like “This is bad but it’s not THHHHHAAAAAAT bad” or “It’s not AAAAAS bad as other instances of sexual harassment!” please just stop. Making comparisons between other allegations or political parties is not helpful. Comparisons inherently legitimize/forgive some instances of sexual

Absolutely. I love Franken as a senator, and had been hoping he’d run in 2020. But he needs to step down, now.

It’s more than the photo though. The article is pretty clear on that.

Kill your darlings.

From the Guardian:

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.

Today will be the day to listen or watch Randi Rhodes (4-6pm EST) on youtube, podcast, facebook (and pretty much all the other outlets). I’ve been listening to her for >15 years.

Never, ever idolize notable people. It’s not good for your mental state.

There’s a picture. She’s clearly sleeping in it. There’s no version of this where he’s not a jerk.

Exactly. I don’t care who’s next to be revealed as a sexual predator, even if its someone whose work I enjoy or has the same political leanings as I do.


I know what you mean, but this behavior knows no political affiliation. Men have acted this way for centuries because they set up the system that allowed them to get away with it. If you’re part of that power structure in any way, then of course it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of it even if you align yourself with

I remember awhile ago how Spacey had started a theater mentorship program in the Middle East for young actors there and I was so excited. Now, all I wonder is if he was just doing it for a whole new set of victims that don’t have few venues to lodge complaints. I hate thinking like this.

Literally every time I think about them getting married alone under Niagara Falls, I get chills. Like right now. Or when they find out they’re pregnant in the ER. I love them so much it’s probably kind of unhealthy tbh.

I thought he was perfect for Jim.