Read the headline, assumed they were dudes, and got super excited.
Read the headline, assumed they were dudes, and got super excited.
I’m the most militant feminist I know, and I harbor a secret love for the Pioneer Woman. I bought her cookbook before she was popular, actually - prior to any television shows or blog monetization. I didn’t know she was fabulously wealthy before the launch of her brand. I think less of her because of this, as I’m sure…
“by cooking sodium rich, meat-heavy lunches (complete with a whipped dessert served in a mason jar)“
I don’t really follow her but does she not authentically live that pioneer/ranch lifestyle? There are rich and poor farmers/ranchers just like there are rich and poor [insert any other profession]. Is she acting like she’s poor and making due with ingenuity and the land or is it obvious she’s living the fancified…
Or call it a fucking casserole for fucks sake. She has besmirched both enchiladas and lasagna and that is an unforgivable offense.
I read her blog years ago and enjoyed it until it got to big to keep up with. I will say this: a lot of her recipes don’t appeal to me, but the ones I’ve tried have come out “right” every time. For step-by-step basic cooking, she does well, and I can even point my kid to the recipes on her blog and say, follow along!
TBH, I judge food bloggers purely on the usefulness and infallibility of their recipes, and Pioneer Woman is one of my three or four go-tos. It’s certainly not gourmet, but if you just want to make some goddam dinner, her recipes always work as written and that’s really all I ask. Is she a cringey white lady with a…
I am so exhausted about nitpicking every little thing people say. Ree Drummond is using her land for conservation/protection of an endangered animal. Yes, she gets a check but that helps pay the enormous taxes on land. My parents own some land and they get a conservation check to keep it covered in natural grasses so…
I agree with the TV thing. I read her blog for years before she was super famous, and her humor and self deprecation don’t translate well on the tv.
It isn’t like she intended to kill her dog, Jesus Christ! Accidents happen! And being able to comfort your girlfriend appropriately during a time of grief is a good thing, isn’t it? If that’s the only thing you have against her, I don’t understand what your deal is.
Yeah, I never understood people who thought she was an aw shucksy homesteader. She owns part of a town. Also her pot roast recipe is my go-to. People hating on her food for the meat and sodium content... y’all can just eat a salad and chill Ok? No one is chaining you to a stove and forcing you to cook her stuff.
Deb Perelman, Chungah Rhee, and Ree Drummond are my go-to recipe sources. They’ve never let me down. Ree Drummond’s crash hot potatoes are my jam.
I have always been confused by people who say she’s pretending to be a “down home girl.” Like.... when was she ever pretending to not be filthy fucking rich?
A friend of mine knew her back in her prefame, mommy blogger days and apparently there was a kerfluffle when everyone discovered that she wasn’t some poor shmuck trying to live off the grid like the rest of them, but rather was a rich woman who had no problem affording her lifestyle. That said, her recipes are really…
I remember the actual hate websites dedicated towards her from about..10 years ago or so? And the main beef seemed to be that she was downplaying their wealth and I’m like..dude, anyone can see she’s shooting with a very expensive camera, and all her kitchen stuff was fairly high end. It was OBVIOUS there was money.
I unashamedly love the Pioneer Woman, and every recipe I’ve tried has always turned out delicious! I’m also from the Midwest so my tastebuds are primed and ready for her style cooking, but still.
I just watched the Pioneer Woman this weekend, so I am happy to find out she’s a legit pioneer woman.
I don’t understand why the tone towards the pioneer woman is so mean?
To the obviously non-natural-haired, non-Black people commenting about how they don’t what the problem is and people are getting outraged for no reason:
Honestly, my first impression was that they removed her hair to look more “Other” (i.e. exotic and otherworldly) in the way African-heritage women are often depicted in fashion shoots. To me that’s not her look at all - she has more of a fresh, girl-next-door type of beauty - but they’re forever trying to style her…