This one confuses me, because he had swept it all away so efficiently (yeah, been following everything posted here over the years).....I guess someone had receipts?
This one confuses me, because he had swept it all away so efficiently (yeah, been following everything posted here over the years).....I guess someone had receipts?
This set is the “S” series model- note the S405 part of the name. It’s the P607 “P” series model that has the stellar reviews, and that one goes for $600 or $650. (I actually own this one. Decent for $400, but the image quality degrades SIGNIFICANTLY when viewed off center.)
This set is the “S” series model- note the S405 part of the name. It’s the P607 “P” series model that has the…
I do think we as the internet have a problem with seeing the side of the story that generates outrage and deciding it must be true. This is how I interpret Galloway. It’s always dryly amusing how many times I see a breaking story about someone who may or may not have raped a person and everyone immediately assumes it…
I get giddy inside every time his son is arrested!
If the rumors prove to be true no one at Jezebel gets to gloat. They were beyond reckless in how they handled (and continue to handle) this story. The NYT are the ones that put in the work to actually get to the truth, not just putting out a call for someone to do their jobs for them.
“I’m terrified that, in our righteous quest to do good, we’re sweeping up the innocent as well as the guilty,” Galloway wrote.”
in case the story is “damaging,”
Christ, if I had a nickel for every time a man conflated the potential for an “innocent” man to be accused of harassment or assault with the actual harassment or assault experienced by women, I would be richer than Donald Trump pretends to be.
The premiere of Louis C.K.’s movie “I Love You, Daddy” has been cancelled.
This particular story that just broke is making me giddy. These fucking fuckers are unbelievable!
You can add Louis CK. He’s cancelled the premiere of his new film, and his talk show appearances in advance of a NY Times article said to be forthcoming....
Every few hours today I’ve been searching Louis CK waiting for the story.
But really the feud is that Paul started dating John Mayer right after he dumped Boucher, even though they’re both ashamed of that now.
Their feud started when Rand Paul stole his neighbor’s backup dancers. There’s been a lot of bad blood since then.
You wrote it sport, now deal with it.