
I can’t get YouTube Kids in Norway, so I only utilize Restricted Mode. There is super weird shit out there on open YouTube.

THIS. No, you are not “growing your own business”. You have fallen for a scam. Small businesses are the backbone of small town economies and community development. This shit is the exact opposite of that.

I thought the black polka-dot dress with the cardigan was kind of cute, but the more I look at the picture the more confused I am. Why are the long sleeves a different color? Are they not part of the cardigan? And wait, the cardigan doesn’t have buttons? Is it just a t-shirt? Wait, I can see the polka-dots through it,

If you (or a friend) have a Costco membership, their Fellini(?) brand feels soft like the LLR ones. They’re 2 pairs for, like, $17.99.

I feel the same way when they talk about running a small business and being a #bossbabe. If you don’t have employees reporting to you, you are not a “boss”. They don’t have to do payroll or hire, train employees and stress over the fact an employee isn’t working out. They don’t invest in marketing other than their

Exactly why these fail. They get the pity buys, then realize you cannot build a clothing empire by continuing to pressure your 8 friends into buying this shit.

One of the biggest offenses is requiring people to invest so much on the front end in inventory before they have any proven record of ability or success. I’m surprised the FTC hasn’t filed an action against this company.

I hate that I have invested thousands and 15 years into my incorporated business and have a fucking MLM rep tell me that they “run a woman-owned small business, too!”. No. No you fucking do not. Ugh. Lots of times even the reps don’t realize they are 100% being used as consumers and pawns in these schemes.

My (limited) understanding is that LulaRoe is different (and, arguably, worse) in that its initial compensation plan (which was recently changed) paid bonuses based on what consultants in your downline ordered, not what they sold - so, if your downline ordered, say $10,000 worth of inventory, you got a bonus, whether

They’re pity buys to support a friend.

If it’s not a pyramid scheme, why not sell directly to consumers?

This is true, but might I also recommend the help of the delightful pie bird in preventing soggy bottoms?

Lularoe and other direct sales marketing operations are rampant in the military spouse community. Makes it hard to make new friends when really it’s just people trying to sell or rope you in to sell. BUT those prints are so hideous. When did tights become pants? I’m obviously an old.

If you can only buy the product through a “consultant,” then it’s probably a pyramid scheme.

Serious question: does anybody know why all these MLM companies can claim they aren’t pyramid schemes? I just don’t get it. Their business models are the literal definition of pyramid schemes, which are illegal. How can these companies legally exist? What insane loophole are they using?

...and even if it IS desirable product, that doesn’t magically not make it a pyramid scheme.

If you have to say it’s not a pyramid scheme....it’s probably a pyramid scheme.

Dude. A highly desirable product? Most women do not want to leave the house dressed like 4-year olds. Pipe down with this assessment of your fugly-ass, rip-apart-at-the-first-wear clothing.

If my ACLU donations go towards helping Perez Hilton....