
I love “good dad” stuff.

I am a librarian and I meet many different types of readers. When I worked at a different library I met a black woman who reads comics and fantasy/scifi books, we struck up a conversation and she told me it was so nice to speak t someone who was the same color as her and enjoyed the same types of books she did. I

Other comics I recommend are the new Iron Man, helmed by a black teen, and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Two great comics with strong black female leads

Black Panther is going to feature a bunch of awesome black women characters. Take her to that!

I love that there are so many more visible black superheroes now. They can be Luke and Storm and Black Panther, of course, but now there’s a black woman in the gold and red iron armor, a black man (and woman) Captain America, Spider-Man, a Flash, a “Robin” (sorta) even a black Superman. It feels good

I hate to be the “what about Black women” person, but I suppose it’s my turn. My daughter has gotten into comic books. It surprises me, because that was never my thing growing up. She loves Wonder Woman and Supergirl. I figure with her growing up without a mother to embrace whatever positive female role models she can

Thank you for sharing this happiness with us. I hope your family has a great Hallowe’en :)

I’d rather light myself on fire before I’d live in the US

They only reason they haven’t is because Mango Unchained has hasn’t assigned Ambassadors to most countries, and there’s no one there to fuck things up.

It’s almost like every part of society has a sexual harassment problem.

That quote by Cate Blanchette is EVERYTHING.

But how can that even be now that it’s so prevalent? With the various subsets of blogs (mommy/fashion/lifestyle/etc) and now on the ‘gram how can people STILL not know about sponsored content and their curated timelines being paid for and not their real life? That seems impossible to me.

look if i were hot enough to post pics of tea and teeth whitening paste and make a billion dollars, i would.

I admire the chutzpah it takes to try to make a buck off your famous sibling and call THEM Pushy.

So it seems that while with the previous Royal marriage most were obsessed with the sister’s arse this one will just have a half-sister who is an arse.

Yeah right. Next you’re going to tell me Bloody Mary isn’t real, and nobody has been levitated by reciting light-as-a-feather-stiff-as-a-board.

and a widdershins to you good sir.

I never really got the whole Ouija board thing, especially when groups of people were doing it, or even one person. It seemed fake and silly.