
I get that we tend to think that screenfriends and realfriends are the same, but they’re actors who were supposed to make us believe they were friends; it makes complete sense that they weren’t actually close. I’ve had coworkers on the Range of Friendship, but maybe 3 ever made it to “close, personal friend” level. I

2017: The Bitches Strike Back

I’ve got my outfit already planned.

Why you gotta bring height into it? LOL Peter Dinklage is objectively the hottest guy on the show.

I don’t think he was talking about sexual harassment, which of course can happen to men and is horrible. He was equating being objectified to sexism, and while objectification can be a symptom of sexism, it is not in and of itself sexism. If he had never been an actor, likely he would have never even experienced the

Instead of trying to sell me Christmas shit in October, Target is trying to sell me Thanksgiving shit for a longer period of time and THEN it will sell me Christmas shit.

It’s really nice to see people openly saying they were wrong and growing from their life experiences. None of us are perfect-all of us have said something stupid or insensitive at one time or another. It’s how you deal with knowing that you were wrong that is important.

I love when people learn (including when I do). To repeat something I said on another thread last week, it’s ok to not be automatically woke or not understand a foreign concept but listen when someone is telling you their experience. He said something quite silly and someone obviously schooled him and he took it on

Well, that’s refreshing. Apparently Jon Snow does know something. Something his wildling fiancee probably explained to him.

Agree! I’d love to see more of these “I was wrong” statements. We all get so entrenched and defensive of things we say. Sometimes things we say are inartful or just straight up wrong! Surprise! Ha. It’s ooooook.

Nice to see! Experiences by men and women are different and until that’s clarified we can’t make things better for either side.

I agree, it’s creepy when men or women date someone who is considerably younger than them. I agree if they’re adults it’s their business, but let me share this...

As long as it’s all consensual who the fuck cares what people do in their personal lives.

I don’t know either, but I’d bet money he can still be sexist and have male privilege.

That was the opposite of my thought. She is an attorney. That post was really unprofessional.

Yeah, she’s kind of an ignorant asshole.

Didn’t Cardi tweet some real awful shit about asians?

“I feel just as much woman as I am man.” - Sam Smith

Well that is good news for future Mrs. Butler, who is likely still gestating in a womb somewhere

and, she broke up with HER husband in ...May!