
Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.

They could release a video of Kurt Cobain killing himself and this dipshit would find some way to twist it as a cover up or false video or some other fanatical conspiracy-theory bullshit.

Unless this Lee stalker guy has expertise in forensics or criminology, he has no need and no right to see those photos. And I’d like to think the medical examiners office in Seattle did its job properly.

Teaching men and boys to clearly and directly ask for consent, and to make it clear that they will respect denial thereof, is the biggest way we can affect rape culture.

I think enthusiastic consent is important for men too. Boners don’t mean a man’s frontal cortex is on board with having sex. I’ve talked to men who’ve been super unsure about if they were taken advantage of or not.

Oh, yeah. This guy was a slimy weasel. But I think it jibes with the whole “take a chance” narrative of the time and, “Let’s see where this goes.”

that’s the problem. dude’s my age. we were told “no means no”, but not “yes means yes”, or anything about enthusiastic consent. god knows I was in situations I wasn’t enthusiastic about, but didn’t know how to negotiate.

This really drives home the difference between predators and idiots who don’t understand consent. There is a difference between fucking up huge then having remorse and feeling entitled to do whatever you want to other peoples’ bodies.

I dunno. When I was growing up, it was just no means no. In the last, oh, 7 years or so is when I remember enthusiastic consent being talked about. And weird shit went down when I was in college and kind of everyone was OK with it or glossed so much of it over. I think not knowing about consent, but waiting for a no

Can someone please get on Dan Schneider, too?

I thought this article was going to be about Dan Schneider, who produced many shows for Nickelodeon. There have been many rumors about him abusing teen actresses over the years.

That’s honestly who I thought it would be about when I read that a Nic person had been canned. Those whispers have been almost as strong as Weinstein’s.

“Signed someone whose “woke” white friend’s husband jokingly called me a prairie n****r.”

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.

Read the article. That’s not his tone at all. He clearly says that he wishes he had been more responsible, that he was a shitty person for ignoring what he knew and that men like him need to stop tolerating misogyny in Hollywood. I don’t see how any of that can be read as Trump-esque braggadocio.

He said that he wrote it off as Harry being a stereotypical womanizer. I think the term he used was he saw the behavior as more of “the boss chasing the secretary around the desk,” than assault, and he now realizes how sick that was. But I am not interested in raking him over the coals on this. I think this is a

For real. He doesn’t regret anything...he regrets that everyone KNOWS he was complicit. That’s all.

Refreshing how? He admitted he knew and didn’t care. He only said if he were a better person he’d done something about it, but didn’t. He perpetuated it. Is this how low the bar is?

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?