Can someone explain why the US needs to spend $800b on defence but not provide free healthcare?
Can someone explain why the US needs to spend $800b on defence but not provide free healthcare?
Speaking of all this: How IS Terry Richardson still walking around free, anyway?
None of these are the reason lists like these are garbage. Lists like these are garbage because, by design, they exclude women who have not built up the media connections necessary to get forwarded these links, or told about them at parties or in Slack channels or whatever. These are disproportionately young women,…
No proof, not story? Ronan Farrow had plenty of proof and nbc news still wouldn’t run the Weinstein story.
As a huge country with multiple geopolitical interests and quite a large military already surrounded by Pakistan and China, it makes sense. Do all countries that spend a lot on military mean they don’t spend money on other domestic issues? Should they not spend any money on defense? It’s also a small part of the…
i would say pakistan, and one well manned sub can be a pain in the ass if you dont have the means to detect it.
This is the “outrage fatigue” that I hear a lot of people talking about (and that I’m definitely feeling myself). This is not even remotely close to the first time that this site or other allegedly progressive communities have brought up shit said over half a decade ago and used it to gloat and say “See?! They’re…
RIGHT! Plus he has shone a huge spotlight for Native American women rape by non NA people and how little justice we get (something Jezebel largely ignores as well).
I agree 100%. Let him apologize for his stupid joke. I’ll take a person who owns up to their mistakes over a perfect pers—OH WAIT, THEY DON’T EXIST.
The outrage is ridiculous. I prefer to let people grow from their mistakes but people here want you to be born perfect. He has issued two sincere heartfelt apologies.
He actually apologized back in 2011.
I think middle-aged men see Trump as the living personification of their own stupider moments, which they don’t want to be held accountable for, so they defend him as a pre-emptive move to excuse their own behavior.
Jason Momoa apologized and made a documentary about rape. He apologized again. We can continue to flagellate him when he actually made progress/amends or we can actually bring the spotlight back onto a serious predator with current conversation we are all having. I suggest this dude:
It’s crazy to say it, but 2011 was a different world compared to know. We were arguing about whether a celeb wanted to say they were a feminist or not.
It is a flawless apology at least. None of this “sorry you were offended” fuckery. I am grateful he was able to clear this sadly low bar.
I don’t know...after 3 years, if I were unhappy, I don’t think I’d stick around to see if maybe it got better 20 years from now.
YES and on that same token, his statement acknowledging his “mistakes.” Sexual assault and rape are not “mistakes”...they are intentional criminal acts and this asshole belongs in jail, not some cushy rehab joint.
Thank you, Emma Thompson. He’s a predator, sex rehab is not going to do a thing for him.
I’m an old, uncivilized man, but I can tell you that these are all wrong answers. The only answer is Capri Blue Volcano from Anthropology. Sugared limes and lemons. It’s heaven in a jar.
I’m an old, uncivilized man, but I can tell you that these are all wrong answers. The only answer is Capri Blue…