
Yeah, the general feeling is that its horribly embarassing, you might have somehow encouraged it (?), and that nothing will be done about it anyway.

Goat. This is a societal problem deeper than Weinstein, deeper than Hollywood. Talk to just about any woman you know, and chances are they’ve experienced some form of sexual impropriety. It’s just harder to form a cohesive group to slay a predator when said predator is a rando on the bus who grabs your ass instead of

$1000 says if some famous female was enslaving immigrants in her own basement, her husband’s company wouldn’t face any backlash. Why is it that women ALWAYS have to rise above everything?

Good on the media to jump into Bannon’s hand here. This absolutely came from him to divert everyone’s attention.

again, it is plausible that she just thought that all these starlets just really wanted to wear Marchesa. This isn’t her fault. We should be focusing on how bad Harvey is; she is not responsible for her husband’s actions. Men need to bear the accountability for their own damn actions.

it is *plausible* that she was unaware of the settlements. Powerful men often keep their wives in the dark on their financial matters. Maybe she’s one of those rich wives who gets an allowance and has all her own accounts? I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt until I learn otherwise. This is not her fault and I’m

I don’t buy it. He’s so ugly and repulsive and she so gorgeous it leaves no question that she married him 100% for his money/power. He just lost both of those things so he’s useless to her now. She has a better chance of success on her own at this point.

Making female stars were his wife’s dresses to premieres? Not in the same league as Weinstein’s crimes. Premieres are work events where the actresses are contractually obligated to appear. Just like press junkets and appearances at any awards ceremonies where their Weinstein film is nominated.

I don’t really feel bad for her, but I will feel bad for all the people who work for her who will be affected if the line tanks because of all of this.

Exactly. I have complicated feelings about it because I can’t know her mind and I really bristle at women being held accountable for the actions of the men in their lives. They often end up paying a bigger price than the actual wrongdoer.

Yeah, I know! But I also know how blinded some people can be about those closest to them.

Also ambivalent here.

I’ve been in some of these ‘think sessions’ and seriously, it’s just a long painful blah blah blah just in order to see what kind of catering will arrive through the door that day :/

They just should rename themselves to Travesty.

I agree with this but definitely think it’s more complicated than that. She is, more than likely, also a victim of his abuse and this may be the first opportunity she has to leave and come out ahead. I’m not saying she’s a good person but the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

I feel bad for thinking this, much less putting it out there, but...

Thank you. This hasn’t been said enough.

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less

Except “Mrs. Cosby” is still married to him and defending him, so your analogy makes no logical sense.

Good for her. Brave move considering the power he holds. Hope she’s safe and the children are safe and that they all have a good strong support network around them. What comes next is going to be hellish I’m sure. Leaving an abusive control freak is always nightmarish but when he’s as powerful as this guy there is a