
Right. But she’s correct to point out that the widely circulated screenshots are extremely misleading about what the ad actually was and thus what she signed on to do. I think she’s also correct to call out how the media reported the Dove ad.

Bryan Singer is next. I would have thought he’d go down before Weinstein but his luck can’t hold out forever. In fact, I think the Weinstein scandal is going to embolden more people to speak out, as well as the press to investigate Singer way more closely. btw, this is why Gawker was needed, because they brought shit

Similar to Weinstein, isn’t Dan Schneider, who produces a lot of Nickelodeon shows, being a child molester an “open secret” that everyone will some day declare they’d never heard about before?

Not true, Gigi has very distinctive eyebrow botox to fake the appearance of drama and sultryness to an otherwise bland baby face.

It gives them cover and it also lets them play out their Madonna-whore problems. It isn’t just about the careful calculation the Weinsteins and Cosbys make about whether a particular mark is powerful enough to hit them back and should be avoided (Meryl, Glenn). It’s that they make a distinction in their minds between

As someone stated up thread, it’s incredibly common for serial sexual predators to have a wife, because it legitimizes their intentions in the public eye. Makes me wonder if the original move to get married was to distract from some low-level rumblings about the assaults he had already committed by 2007. He mentioned

Let’s not forget that he also took over “Project Runway”. Where Chapman became a judge for awhile. And endless female celebrities became the primary judges in place of fashion industry grandees and experts.

they’re ALWAYS fucking married. it helps their image.

First, I’m going to say that I 100% agree that Clooney should have been concerned from the start about Weinstein seeking out “relationships” (we know it was more than that and he was harassing and assaulting them) with young actresses. It’s an unfair power balance from the start and it shouldn’t be the norm in

People are making it about him though. Everyone is saying “people knew” and that includes him. So if someone else is making it about him, he can definitely talk about him. Just like Meryl Streep did.

I guess I understand the initial impulse to defend the fact that you had no idea that your friend and/or boss was a monster, but I’m not sure if now is the time for one paragraph of support for the victims, and several defending that the only part you knew was that he repeatedly hit on young actresses.

Have you seen Asif Kapadia’s documentary? Her father makes my skin crawl.

Maybe they should stop pimping her corpse out for every last nickel.

A good place to urge everyone to write a will. You do not need a lawyer.

There should be a law where exploitative family members don’t automatically become executors of your estate upon your death, even in cases where you didn’t get a chance to write up a will.

Dude talks about people trying to make money off of her and he is the #1 offender. F**k him.

Unpopular opinion: if done right, this could be an amazing tribute to a once-in-a-lifetime talent with an unbelievable vocal catalog.

There’s nothing wrong with the clothes, Donna’s designs are fine, it’s her backwards thinking on what constitutes consent that’s the problem.

“You look at everything all over the world today and how women are dressing and what they are asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for? Trouble.”

A LOT of famous men who did great things that were incredibly beneficial to the world treated women like crap. Looking at you, Einstein and Gandhi. If we pulled down all the statues of guys who were misogynists, there wouldn’t be many statues left.