So, what is the thought process that makes people think this sort of video needs a thrashing soundtrack that renders it nearly unwatchable?
I think there is also a Caucasian Challenge held in the old states of the Confederacy, but that’s a story for another day.
Looping on the bus driver’s playlist:
What, you didn’t know Mad Max was actually a documentary?
Yuuge cheek implants that make her eyes squinty?
That dude has ball the size of Texas. Not to mention that he appears to be black. No way, no how would I even fantasize about doing that if I were black and in a southern state. Nope.
Ever hear the Jim Croce song “Speedball Tucker”? It has that line:
The hospital outpatient centers around here all have valet parking that uses older retired guys as attendents, working for tips. They get a blast from their youth when I show up for a doctor’s appointment and let them park my 1966 Chevelle 8-) It takes them back to a better time. Sorry, not a horror story.
I felt and actual clinching in my scrotum when that guy went over the handlebars.
When I saw the headline and photo, I assumed it was a Cars and Coffee story.
Looks kinda chapped.
That open-cockpit lunar lander looks like it would have been a blast to ride! No puns intended.
Where is Otto?
I remember when you couldn’t even get a test drive in one around here. They were sold before they hit the lot.
I have been fighting the urge to buy an old PT Cruiser for a while. That’s it, I’m getting one. Turbo with flames on it!
I think I earned some kind of AP credit by watching this video!
She looks like a fun date!