
Disclamer at end... “Do not attempt”, LOL!

He needs to get one of these to avoid having one tire 1.5 psi off:


Now playing

Somebody has to post this. Might as well be me.

I learned to drive PNDLR in a ‘60 Studebaker Lark!

7/10 from the Russian judge because he did not stick the landing.

If you have Crohn’s Disease, like I do, you can appreciate this one:

That gas mileage doesn’t sound so bad. But, then again, I daily drive a V8 1966 Chevelle. Fortunately, it is the baby V8, 283 c.i.d.

Paint the new nickname on the car: The Thresher!

I bet the Land Wind is a more reliable car than the Land Rover.

I just can’t believe you drove that beast down the Battery! BTW, I once saw an Excalibur parked on the Battery, so this may be the second weirdest vehicle to grace that street.

Blue lights are very illegal in SC.

You must like turbo lag.

I used to ride these a lot on local routes in Costa Rica. You are seeing them much less now, maybe because of an increase in prosperity and/or pollution regulations.

I’m guessing that, somewhere in Bumfuck Missouri, there is a VW Beetle abandoned on the side of the road.

I hope AAA takes him off of their approved list.

Barefoot. Dude is wrangling gators barefoot. Oh, FLORIDA.

Did Raphael get all the way to NYC without rolling it?

I always get a little uncomfortable with Destin’s smarmy smugness and his ending with a bible verse. Does this make me a bad person?

I am impressed that he didn’t just use a plug. Still legal to use here in SC and I have a tire right now that has a plug in it.