
I think they got the fellow who airbrushes hippie vans to paint the tail of that jet.

I had no idea how horribly abusive my parents were to me. To think I enjoyed all that time I was left in the car, playing with the radio and having a blast.

Tetanus = lockjaw.

Back about 1985, five of us picked up a kilo of pot from UPS at the RDU Airport terminal. One of us was from Oregon and had connections with growers. Supposedly, UPS had a policy not to inspect packages over a certain weight back then. We took the bong along and fired up while driving back to Duke on I-40. We were all

COTD material here!

I had about the same vintage Hornet, but a green and not a wagon. Yep, it was The Green Hornet. Best AC controller ever!

Tinworm larvae.

Lifetime license revocation.

The coefficient of friction must have been huge to keep the tire from just spinning.

I tried three browsers and none were able to play that video. WTF?

May I suggest Craigslist ads with the phrase “needs restored/refurbished/repaired” where they should say “needs to berestored/refurbished/repaired”?

Jesus, that was hard to watch, but I made it all the way through. Then, I sent it to my son’s principle. If you can watch that and still text while driving, you are a monster.

“I think it’s the rear end.” - Understatement of the year by guy in video.

Whaddaya mean the bumpers were common chrome and not gold plated?? That’s why Drumpf bailed out!

It’s not an SS, but I do love my ‘66 Chevelle Malibu.

How about my railroad engineer’s cap? My son swears he isn’t embarassed by it when I come by this high school.

I had a Plymouth Voyager for many years and it was great.

A Saturn? I thought only Bugatti Veyron drivers did this kind of stunt.

I’m glad to see the real one has a Rockford turn!

I’m a nuclear physicist (my thesis work was deuterium-tritium fusion) and I am dubious of thier being able to do this.