
Must be yelling at everyone driving on the wrong side of the road!

My nuts get sore just looking at the way you would have to sit and lean on that.

My nuts get sore just looking at the way you would have to sit and lean on that.

There is a Cobra gunship in front of the American Legion in Chesnee, SC too. They also have what appears to be an enormous torpedo.

Where’s Tavarish??

BRB... heading to kitchen for some bread.

Don’t you make me cry!

I will never get the point of racing something pretending to look vaguely like a truck. Are any NASCAR fans so dumb that they buy a particular brand of truck because someone slaps the label Ford or Chevrolet on a vehicle that really isn’t remotely a truck? What is the attraction? I mean, if they actually used

Can’t we put some folks up in choppers, say Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent, to snipe these asshats? They would find it more fun than the wolves and feral pigs, I’d imagine. We could call it “squid season”.

‘Murica, Fuck Yeah!

Please wear safety glasses if you are going to be banging metal items together in ways they are not intended to be used. Shattered slivers of metal in your eye will ruin more than just your day.

Thank-you. I was wondering if I was the only one affected by the grammar in this article.

How many assholes who hit the others at high speed do you reckon were texting while driving?

I drive an un-airconditioned ‘66 Chevelle Malibu with vinyl seats in hot as hell SC. Park that sucker in the sun on an August day, then get in with shorts. I think I have left cooked skin on them a few times. I have tried getting the old-fashioned seat pads that have a coiled-wire core and they help a bit.


A student at my university was brushing his teeth while pissing into the urinal. Saw it with my own eyes. I just don’t understand how people remain alive.