Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.
Yeah, I’d say that being a man who wants to have a say about what women can or can’t do with their bodies and the unrecognizable clump of cells inside them is pretty stupid.
You’re acting like this is somehow at odds.
This entire discourse is why we can’t have nice things as gamers (and are progressively getting less and less nice things)
Cloud gaming, LOL. Go ahead and keep pushing that Microsoft. I wish you the best.
As I said in another thread, Sony as a history of building franchises and keeping them exclusive. They invest in creating them, and so their proprietorship over them has some perceived justification.
“On PC too” isn’t the point, if I bother getting it (and probably won’t now because of how slimy this decision is) I’d have played it on PC like all other Bethesda games because mods but this game all the way till the ink was signed this year was clearly going to be on Sony consoles.
What? Those games are made by Sony studios. Bethesda was a 3rd party studio making games that were multiplatform for decades. Even if Xbox owns them now they were not XBOX games and those games would have 100% hit Playstation consoles.
It is clear you do not understand the entire point of this article.
I own both consoles, so I’d hardly consider myself a fanboy, but Microsoft’s acquisition took dozens of IPs that have been on Playstation for decades and suddenly said “no more.”
I always miss, because Garrus' dialogue when you miss is one of the funniest moments in the series.
You can’t trick me. This some Dark Souls-ass Dark Souls.
Rosebud is his sled, it was his sled from when he was a kid. There, I just saved you two long boring boobless hours.
“Renegade-ish” is really the best choice, IMO. Kick people out windows AND be nice to your crew. And it’s much easier to pull off from 2 onward.
Man, it had been forever since I’d played ME1 before Legendary.
The problem with morality meters is it ties story components to gameplay mechanics. You want to max out your Paragon score? Always choose the top dialogue option. It removes agency instead of giving it.
Oh it’s definite snark, but more at how Nathan has covered the “hot tub meta” here rather differently to when it was, you know, conventionally attractive women. Then it was all in favour of this meta, how Twitch shouldn’t do anything lest it judge what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of appearance etc etc yet now oh…
Then you get into more deliberately transgressive territory, like men using wigs, apps, and in one case full-body prosthetics to feminize their appearances and parody hot tub streams in ways that sometimes verge on uncomfortable.
Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.
please stop posting this woman’s tits