Wow! 41 or 59, whatever the comments numbers mentioned...and not one stan for whom I am about to say.
Wow! 41 or 59, whatever the comments numbers mentioned...and not one stan for whom I am about to say.
Yeah, this isn’t so much as “greatest comedy specials” as it is “greatest comedy specials by people we haven’t retroactively decided who are bad.” See also: Louis CK. Yes, he’s an awful guy, but there’s no denying that “Hilarious” is, well, hilarious.
The omission of Stewart Lee is a bigger insult
It's fairly easy to write them. You just think of a man and take away reason and accountability
And your comment really plays off of what is the real elephant sitting in the room here; this is a JRPG, as in a Japanese role playing game. JRPGs are ultimately made by Japan for Japanese people as the intended audience. A Japanese company doesn’t go into making a JRPG and ask themselves “Gee, we better make this…
Just gonna assume you've somehow never seen “Amazon Women in the Mood.”
Dancy certainly put his foot in his mouth, but I do understand some of his points. No women can’t be catagorized into a box of certain types of games (i’ve seen women designers who made games with spaceships and robots) but the game world has a small margin for profit and taking a risk on an idea that isn’t going to…
Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It’s not going to happen!
My mind is blown. That was probably fifteen hundred words about how stereotypes and attitudes about fat people are being promoted by...a character that isn’t fat.
I think he gave short, caricature-like shrift to complicated characters
Isn’t it sort of...i dunno, *implied* that anything from 2006 is going to be “of it’s time?” I’m not excusing the content of what’s said but like, gaming in the early 00' ain’t exactly the most inclusive hobby.
You’re visiting a website and Sisi writes for a website that puts money in the pocket of Jim Spanfeller. Do you need Kotaku to live? Neither you nor Sisi is more virtuous than anyone else.
In Soviet Russia, popular communist comedians name you.
More Rick and Morty is just the shot in the arm this game needs, that show’s popularity and guarantee of longevity has never been stronger!
Yeah that all or nothing mentality is great! I guess I don’t have a choice but to start hating trans people because I played a game, according to your way of thinking, fuck you as well, like really reaaaaally go fuck yourself.
Every article this writer churns out is essentially culture war nonsense that generate clicks and engagement. And to her credit, it works. Buy the game, or don’t. Both are fine, just shut the fuck up about it already.
Yeah, and by that same logic playing a video is not the worst someone can do. Scale matters. Intent matters. Lumping people together into a bin with transphobes and Nazis is throwing the baby out with the bathwater in this case. It is counterproductive and damages the very cause the community and its allies are…
People really out here making a culture war out of a video game about wizards and goblins and shit? Everything about this is embarrassing