
i have heard our readers described as 1000 things over the last 14 years, but never “extremely worried about butt safe toys” before.

This President, I will tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth

This is the weirdest kind of bad take. It’s not a bad take because it’s wrong, it’s a bad take because it requires both being part of the problem and completely, deliberately ignorant of the reality that actually addresses it.

You can’t even escape it if you’re trying. I come to Kotaku to read and talk about actual video games. But like a car crash or a dead body, I see this Twitch/YouTube/”influencer” “celebrity” crap and I gawk at it even as I hate myself for doing so.

So much for his stealth run.

Most of this article is Stewart owning up to the lack of diversity on his staff and what lead to it. In an intelligent and insightful way. So why was the last bit necessary? I clicked it (maybe thats why?) thinking it was going to be about him having a history of yelling at staff. But it was only about the Cain

You come off like the fun police

Yeah, D:OS2's systems were the best I’ve seen in a CRPG so I have no issues with Larian adapting them for BG3. I was just surprised by how similar they were, especially the UI. Apparently they’ll be showing more gameplay on the 18th so I’m looking forward to that.

After watching the gameplay, I wouldn’t say it looked that similar as to be an expansion. It’s definitely a darker tone, and the gameplay works out a bit differently. But they’re clearly sticking with their main system. Honestly I think it’s pretty close to the perfected system for this kind of rpg, similar to how

It looks extremely similar to Divinity 2. In fact, it could easily be mistaken as an expansion pack from what they’ve shown so far.

Yes, BG 3 will be broadly similar although using the current DnD system and with more verticality to the environments. It will focus less on spell interactions as well, though combat will feature a lot of environmental interactions, or so the developers have said.

Similar in playstyle, but with a DnD theme.

Early access didn’t seem to hurt Divinity: Original Sin 2's development, and that game is arguably the reason why Larian has the Baldur’s Gate license now.

Yeeeeeeeeah, I didn’t wanna be the one to point that out, but...

I had to reread many times, I was sure i read it wrong but damn, this shit is funny. 

and that’s okay! There’s an implicit ‘if Black people are around you’ attached to the statement. Consider also: the internet— with the caveat that I don’t want you to go out and try to collect Black friends like Pokemon.

We don’t acknowledge this version of “Deadspin”.

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

Is this a sex thing? It sounds like a sex thing.