We won last time.
We won last time.
You definitely sound drunk.
It is weird you mention that because, seriously, I was writing that and adding that image and had a feeling of “I’ve done this before.” I don’t think I have... at least in this timeline..
Fuck off.
I used to work securtiy at shows Women were literally throwing themselves at these guys and I mean actually throwing their bodies at them.
And before you pick your jaw up from the floor and ask “Did she really say that shit?” Yes, she really did.
It’s a source of substantial debate in the medical community. The risk of infection that goes with any surgical procedure, the pain it causes, and the lack of consent is leading a growing number of doctors to consider it unethical to perform on infants. There’s also some evidence that it has sexual health consequences…
LOL I literally came here to say that British reality/docu TV is pure, unadulterated garbage with no redeeming qualities. But . . . I think we are actually saying the same thing.
Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
“We ruin her by turning her into a verb.”
This would certainly explain why Game of Thronesspawned an entire cottage industry while it would be remarkable if you’ve ever heard a human person talk about You or Sex Education out loud, but who can say? Not me, because I don’t and can’t know if Netflix is telling the truth—and not Netflix, because their numbers…
I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard…
If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.
There’s a woman in it and she’s doing things. That kind of thing hurts the feefees of your average incel loser something fierce.
Anyone who considers Yelp to be a reliable source for where they should or shouldn’t eat/drink is a fucking moron. Full stop. To call it a dumpster fire is offensive to dumpster fires.
I want to sound like a Mass Effect turian.
No it fucking won’t, are you insane? Have you met internet people?