
I think the Metal Gear franchise is the only one that should can care about which rise during the PS1 era. Resident Evil and Silent Hill are all butchered. MG is still delivering more, new, fresh and that's why fans keep coming back. RE4 was badass, RE5 is poor, RE6 is half-baked, Silent Hill 3 was sweaty, Homecoming

I am a loyal Sony fan. I have owned every Playstation system, but I prefer Microsoft's controller.

Mine are to, which is why it's a pain to lower my left thumb to get to the left thumb stick while I'm hitting the action buttons with my right thumb (on the 360 controller the left thumb stick and the action buttons are parallel to one another).

In most games I use the left stick and the action buttons more frequently than the right stick and the direction buttons (to be honest I rarely use the directional buttons, however, I definitely use the action buttons more than the right stick).

People can have sex, but not have children. I have two children, but I've had sex more than twice.

Microsoft didn't have to make the thing at all. It didn't impact the playing of games one bit.

Take a second look at the twitter profile....

That's also the nicest note I've ever seen a Chicagoan leave in that situation. Most of them have been spelled out in shards of passenger side window glass.

To hell with the phalanx. Why did they nerf the tempest? It was the best goddamn gun in the game. That awesome clattery sound it made when it fired like a bunch of icicles snapping, the fact that you could empty a clip in like 2 seconds? It was my favourite weapon of the generation and they turned it into just another

To their credit, Bioware did this right. Their equivalent of the online pass with ME2 was essentially access to a bunch of free dlc down the line. You ended up getting a bunch of new weapons and missions that way.

It probably isn't and I don't want to be rude but I'm guessing half of America have a reading comprehension.

Except that you already are paying even for the uninsured. Our taxes currently go to pay for hospital treatments of people that do not have insurance.

So you're saying I should write that the money went to a charitable cause because some rando burner commenter says that that's "generally" what's behind this stuff?

... like one of your french girls.

Joe and TB together is damned hilarious. You should watch Joe's bloodbowl videos of him VSing TB. That's the first time I ever heard of him.

Hey. If you make comments about boobs, or fapping, or anything else of a similar nature, I'm going to remove your comment. If it's bad, or I catch you doing it again, I'm going to ban your account.

He's a good friend of Angry Joe. That's enough for me. AJ doesn't do "nice". If your game sucks, he'll say it sucks. It could be something huge like assassins creeds or Halo. If he doesn't like it, he'll let you know. He does partner videos with TB often, and I love both reviewers. They both deserve your sub

You missed Assassin's Creed 2 and Dead Rising 2. Two games are free each month, with them being free for two weeks each. This month it was Might and Magic (an XBLA RPG/Puzzle game) for the first two weeks and now it's Halo 3 for the next two. You have those two weeks to get the game and then it goes back to

Because I like things to set me apart from the plebeians. Owning all the games is one of those things. If they start getting their games for free when will it end? How will they know I'm inherently better than them if they can collect things I used money to get?
-The 3%

Time to dial back these XBL Gold entitlements, it's spiraling out of control.