
Men aren't objects whose purpose is to throw themselves in harms way for women. He had no obligation to direct the mans rage at himself, as if his own injury is less serious than the woman's. Try and be a real feminist for once.

We hit a seagull with my car, and I had to explain to my youngest what death is, and the sweet little guy was so disturbed by it. Now he says he wants to help save birds for a career 😂. I told him that he can do that for a hobby, but he needs to get a respectable job like his father. Still, it warmed my heart. It…

I never tried to be a supermom because I am one naturally

This is why I didn’t like the ban bossy campaign. Nobody who’s actually cut out for managerial work wold ever be derailed by a word like bossy. Do you think this horrible woman would get phased by being called a horrible woman? If the word bossy or bitchy affect your confidence, then you don’t belong.

Is this what we’ve come to?

I always refused to read Winnie the pooh to my children. I didn’t want them looking up to an ineffectual person, which Winnie seemed to represent. I preferred to read about real life men whose success they could emulate. I guess that’s the difference between me and other parents *shrugs* and probably explains my…

Azealia Banks is the definition of trashy. Obama wouldn't go near her or her outfits.

Sounds enticing, but my home life is satisfying enough on it's own. No need to escape into the fictional realm of the tanners :P. You guys have fun though

Okay I am done with gawker media for a while. These last two days have been so unproductive

I love Neil degrasse Tyson. When I found out he had a degree in astrology I was impressed, but that's just the Taurus in me talking :)

I know a lot about men. I took to studying them so I could get the best of the best, which is reflected in my husbands profession.

It's nice that this sort of woman is getting her day in the sun. I still would rather have my husbands arms wrapped around me than embarrass myself on stage every night :s. But to each their own.

Why was he expecting lil Kim exactly

Sounds like hippy bullcrap

everything went fine at my wedding

hbo should make a show that's about a rape crisis centre or something. That would be awesome

I know it’s sort of weird, but guys like mark wahlberg turn me on. Even that story about blinding the guy turned me on. He’s just so aggressive and muscular

Getting a cheekful of her boobs might be able to bring his manhood up to par after losing 1000 points in the first part of the video

One of my children is half black, so this is very disturbing to me. I met his father years ago when he was dating a black woman, and he would confide in me the same sort of issues: police, getting looks from store owners, etc etc. Now my son is getting to the age when he will be driving, and it is just so alarming.