
Check out Pinterest and YouTube for painting instructions, buy a couple of canvases, some basic paint colors and brushes and go to town. Better yet, invite some friends, break out the wine and paint together. It may not go up in the Met but it is fun and you will be surprised at what you create. PS: I live in

Easy integration and personal support at Apple Stores. Much simpler for people who dont want to be tech geeks.

Or if you lve near an Apple store. Try getting in person help from Mcrosoft. Oh wait, they can’t help with your phone or tablet? Apple’s ecosystem makes me nervous, but boy do I love the Genius Bar.

We left Minnesota for the winter and needed a way to monitor heat, power and humidity in our townhouse. We bought a MarCELL from sensoredlife.com. You do have to subscrbe to their service, but they have a seasonal rate - and you can add pucks wherever there is a potential water issue. They allow choices of emails,

Definitely. If your extended family are not people you would choose to spend time with IRL, why give them space on social media. I am eternally befuddled by people who say, “well, they’re family.” If they’re jerks, they are jerks and treat them accordingly. 

Laphroig and Talisker!!!!! Love Islays. And let me tell you that it knock the socks off guys as well as bartenders when a “gurl” orders a heavy peat scotch. I had a guy sitting next to us at a bar go on and on about Balvenie (which I like just fine, thanks) and do a double take when I ordered Laphroig.

As someone who has owned a Kindle since the second model came out, I hav been frustrated and disappointd with Amazon’s recent OS upgrade. Now my Kindle freezes, restarts randomly and takes firever to reboot. M Paperwhite sits dead on my shelf while I read on an iPad mini. I love paper books and would much rather read

What is your time worth? Between all the upfont research, getting to the aiirport crazy early and the delays and missed connections, it sounds like you are paying with your personal time. Ok if you have a lot to spare.

I love Indian food and actually love all vegetarian food. Unfortunately I have IBS and legumes and onions are a major trigger. Dairy is a minor trigger. The only way to get enough protein is to eat meat. I work to select humanely raised and processed meat, but a plant based diet is simply not an option. I hope all

Same. Checked it our for a 10/19 birthday, since I assumed it would take some tome. But I ordered it online from Best Buy and picked it up the next day.

Now that everyone has talked about parents and grandparents, take a look at your own place. Got a ton of junk in your garage? Your basement? Your closets? Get rid of it now. It will only increase over time. Your kids and grandkids are not going to say good things about you when they have to clean it out. We are

70 year old here and I would never expect slack for being rude and cutting in line. If I used a cane or walker, then it might be nice to offer, but age is no excuse for bad behavior. And I don’t care how twinklie you are about it.

This just st gupives you a way to link to annoying accounts that you have forgotten about (maybe - some of mine do not link). Then you gave to sirens a boatload of time loggin to each account and closing it. Unless you are really looking fir a way to waste an evening, I would not bother. Let that old Yahoo account go

I have spent upwards of $20 per bulb on LEDs, which failed in less than 6 months. I hate all the new “efficient” bulbs that aren’t bright enough, cost a ton and don’t last any longer than my conventional three ways. The technology may be improving,but it’s not there yet.