I guess there are four people interested now, though I’m more looking to avoid the pitfalls in my own work.
I guess there are four people interested now, though I’m more looking to avoid the pitfalls in my own work.
I can field any questions about Gibson.
To make the walls dissolve, he needs the boy. The show states at some point that the boy can make all the walls fall down and thus make the world realize it’s all having the same dream—Jung’s collective unconscious.
Bill wants to provide tiered service for accessing dreams like the Internet could do if the FCC allows it, which it seems they will. You’d pay to get to the best dreams, for the bandwidth, et. al.
I’m pretty sure you’re right, except wasn’t Andy working for the Greens last? So, they were trying to grab Tess when she killed Andy.
Andy did in fact have a corresponding chest wound from where Tess hit him with the pickaxe.
The dreamland is called Topeka, isn’t it? As in, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto?” If they’re going where I think they are, the dreamland is the human collective unconscious. That’s the premise of what I have been working on, anyway. You can also see the green shoes are called Vert, which is likely a reference to…
I believe James’ purpose is to knock down the walls of all dreams so everyone realizes their in Jung’s collective unconscious. At least that was my take, but it’s also the premise of my novel, so I may be projecting.
Pretty sure the steampunk look is simply an artifact of dreams and not representative of the actual tech. Boerg’s “dream trap” is probably some kind of theta wave suppression or the like.
The man who made the record has a last name which is an anagram of Cayce. It’s definitely made up. either a reference to Edgar Cayce, “the dreaming prophet,” or Cayce Pollard, from William Gibson, who was named for Edgar by her mother but pronounces it like “Case.”
They lifted the well from Haruki Murakami’s Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. My guess is AM Homes, a writer and producer on the show, is responsible for the literary references as she’s an award-winning novelist.
There are a lot of things lifted from Gibson in this series.
When I look at the comments, they appear out of order, chronologically. I wasn’t able to find you posts on the finale. I’ll try looking again. Haven’t had this issue with this platform before. Might be the conversion to io9/Gizmodo format. When you posted, AV Club was still it’s own site, right?
I watched this because I’ve been writing, and rewriting, ad rewriting, a novel in the same vein for year and years and years. If you’re still on here, I’d like to talk the finale and such.
1. Tolkien
While I think Confederate is an ill-conceived idea, I am bothered by the pre-censorship found on some social media. If feels a bit too much like pre-crime from Minority Report. Art needs room to be stupid and fail. Censorship by boycott has some great outcomes (Bye O’Reilly!), but it’s an effective weapon all too…
Thank you for your service.
I think looking for reason from Trump is futile. He operates from malignant narcissism alone.
You’re going to have to choose between health insurance and R2-D2.