
That’s not really true. He doesn’t dislike the books so much as the cyberpunk moniker he and the others were saddled with. I can ask him specifically if you want.

I saw them in the video too.

It is unfortunate that you can vote or post on websites.

How to poorly phrase a headline: The Masterclass. See also: Ukraine’s war with Putin.

Fight Club at nine is bullshit. History has already proved you wrong. God thing Tyler wants to destroy history.

This was a great adaptation. The studios will return to find the audience found something else to do besides streaming and TV. They’re cutting their own throats.

Based on your comment, it did not seem obvious to you.

You’re the problem.

A writer/director friend I know suspects the writer’s will get very screwed.

Hence my timeline of 1935-1938 and not 1935-1957.

Indy says he doesn’t believe in a lot of superstitious, hocus pocus. He never says he hasn’t seen anything weird. Lucas wanted him to go from a total atheist in Raiders to a skeptical agnostic at best.

As to why Temple of Doom comes before Raiders, it’s becuase Indy isn’t the same character in ToD. he’s greedier, more

Cheers didn’t first air a three-part finale. It was one epsiode.

Any sci-fi movie made in the 80s wherein there wasn’t a nuclear was was very hopeful.

Shaw is in any spinoff per Terry and Todd. They already know how.

Geordi’s wedding which he retro-themed in honor of Data’s fondness for crooning.

Yes. Plus why lose them as an enemy after you did that to the Borg? They have to let the Borg cool off for a while before bringing them back, probably.

Satine was shunned from the industry last year after multiple abuse allegations came out. She and her husband seem to have also tried to start a cult in addition to abusing employees, convention staff, and anyone they thought they could get away with.

Maybe rethink the pic you used.

It makes sense Q would have interest in his only’s friend’s only son. Q probably figures he helped raise Picard, so why not his son?

Q isn’t necessarily alive. He visits Jack while alive, but that doesn’t mean death isn’t in his future. He mentions thinking linearly. Vonnegut’s Trafalmadorians live this way.