
I can shorten the article for you. All responses break down to this: “I voted for Trump because I’m white and reactionary.”

And the people voted against his presidency. That leaves it to the law. The law which is soon to be controlled by republicans. 77,000 elected Trump. What do you suggest we do now?

Utterly, utterly fucked.

It wouldn’t look different because large metro areas overwhelming vote democratic. The cities vote dem, the rural areas GOP.

Yes. Look at us try to be Gawker now!

Or you could take the post down. You know, that is a thing you could do.

Neo-maxie zoom dweebie.

It’s over my head. What is the gag exactly?

An intelligent Trump supporter.

We Happy Few is Bioshock by Brit. meh. It was innovative when done previously, it’s not a genre.

I have a transcript of my interview with him if you are interested. Also for The Peripheral, but we talked about a lot more. About to read yours. Thanks for posting it. Missed it first time around.

MSNBC is a Trump enabler.

I say it counts ‘cause it’s better than the stupid film!

Now playing

Evan is technically right. Jane did a ten minute Pun short film:

I think a very interesting, Sporanos-style show could be made with a contemporary punisher as a very directed psychopath. He’d fit in with Tony, Walter White, Hannibal, etc.... There’s money there to mine. I assume Netflix sees that.

Now playing

Thomas jane did a short Punisher film on his own dime. it’s good, on YouTube. lemme see... It’s 10 minutes, most of them much better than the full-length film he did. Plus, Ron Pearlman! Here:

I kept getting killed, and that prevented me from getting very far. Should I try again? I like the setting, but I did not get very far into the story.

You did.

  1. Degaussing is the process of decreasing or eliminating a remnant magnetic field. It is named after the gauss, a unit of magnetism, which in turn was named after Carl Friedrich Gauss.

I think the author of the piece is a little too used to the ADD Michael Bay style cutting prevalent in action films today.