
Bit of a lack of 80s representation. Zork? Wasteland? Sierra games?

The plot is this:

The plot is this:

Neil Gaiman used this as a plot device in American Gods. Heed Neil’s words.

O love how Scientology reps always take the science out of the ology.

I like Saga, but a “miracle” is going too far. Gravity’s Rainbow was a “miracle.” Sandman might be a miracle. Saga is very good.

People use TVs for this frequently. A guy I know built a whole table around it. Put some plastic over it, and you’re good.

I’m stuck in California. I need to get into a building and can’t find the door.

I thought Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, b, a, enter was the most famous secret code.

Y'all just better back my Conan RPG when it launches this summer.

This artist is amazing.

We'll invade! Then you'll care!

How long until GW threatens to sue Lego?

Nope, it's Custer's Revenge.

He's cosplaying a Juggalo asshole?

If only J.J. was already apologizing for Star Wars.

Yeah, this list is pointless without Uncharted 2. I am routinely confounded bu Gawker best lists. Well, by Gawker sites in general of late.

I think the Duggar family may be running with that theory.

Sorry. Missed that. I blame Obama.

You must have been an unimaginative child, sir.