
This game looks pretty tremendous. Even if it somehow fails, it's ambition will have eclipsed most games's actual achievements.

Oddly, I am writing a novel set in 1930s Shanghai as well in a future Shanghai where they are making a 1930s Shanghai video game.

"OMG! I never thought I'd meet cure with Peggy from Madmen!"

I want to write for Kotaku. I have a Masters in Writing from DePaul. I have experience in related fields like tabletop RPGs. Is there a way to go about trying to get freelance work for you folks?

I'm tired of rebooting franchises after a handful of years. New Supermans, Spidermans, Splinter Cells, et. al. Tiresome. Stick with what worked or make something new. I know, radical thought. New.

Is that a Culture novel or something unrelated?

The old West End game was pretty cool. Did your group all grow up and become lawyers?

I am sorry you are dead, sir. :(

So, it's no different from match.com then?

Battlefield 1944 looks great!

This isn't hard. Nathan Fillion as Drake. Have Amy write the script. Get Guy Ritchie or someone like him to direct.

Thanks, but it's not really the same thing.

What if I want to pitch you an article? Do freelance work? I have clips and qualifications. And a pet monkey.

I want to write for Kotaku. For money. How do I do that?

Unfortunately, the series has come back in a big way on Amazon. E-books capitalize on the series and series character just as print did. I think that's kind of a shame. I wanted new things from the e-books overall. I may publish my own. It'll be interesting to see how a far out idea sells.

If that's the case, the future is going to be very very angry.

Was Ashley Johnson the same actress who played Chrissy on Growing Pains?

It's unlikely I am remotely qualified to answer that question.

"So, I says to her: "YOU leave the NuYen on the dresser, chummer!"