The shark still looks fake.
The shark still looks fake.
What is the music? Original? Anyone know?
"Poachers?" Indy isn't foiling any poachers in Raiders or any other film. Hovitos aren't poachers. Baranca isn't a poacher. No idea what movie you saw.
Strike first! Strike hard! No mercy, sir!
He's plotting against you.
Only one of those pics looks cyberpunk, and a further pic of the game makes it look like fantasy.
I suppose you're right there. I'd forgotten about that.
How do you figure it's not significant? The entire ending is predicated on it.
There are a few. One's a spoiler to mention it. Singularity is another, The issue isn't the terrain, it's the execution. Only the spolier one worked for me narratively.
I play considerably more tabletop RPGs than I do videogames. You just cannot get the same experience without an actual GM. At least not until strong AI comes along.
You created them digitally? You're not the writer correct?
Cool. What is you job on the game?
My reply seems not to have worked. The guy in the big image is Wolf Kahler from Raiders of the Lost Ark and Band of Brothers. Look him up on IMDB and you'll see.
They're likely going for a soft release followed bu word-of-mouth build up. That's my guess anyway.