
Yeah. Me too.

Cool. I played it. Neat world and game.

I can tell you what I'd do in their shoes, I'd loot and pillage like everyone else.

Good review. Well written, well said and insightful. Well done, sir.

There's an older PC game about soccer riots called Hooligans. It was an RTS. Not very good, but great concept.

They're mistaking it for the Barret .50 sniper rifle.


These kind of disturb me in an existential sort of way.

What do you expect from a nation of crims? Sad, just sad.

To be fair, you have a host of your own problems regarding the media over in England. Often from the same man as Fox News: Rupert Murdoch.

Eh, it's not a legit theory just trying to make a conspiracy. I used the site for a game of Conan D20.

I'm really more of a Dr. Venom man, myself.

I would have freaked out for this as a kid. GI Joe was my religion. I was a apostate though, and took all my GI Joes apart to make new ones.

I would totally read a comic called Cat Omen.

Sounds like Foucault's Pendulum a bit.

Eh, they should just have made a game out of William Gibson's Alien 3 script. It was pretty good. This looks like a rehash of the film.

The Deviant Art Gallery linked to doesn't appear to have a connection to the above art.

I agree. The 442nd would make for a great story. Also the Battle of Attu, though not really for Tarentino.

It's entirely likely the final film isn't done yet. Some directos are editing up to the night before the premiere.

i think the issue with Lost isn't that serial storytelling with complicated mysteries and mythology do not work, it's that if you don't end them right the audience feels burned and less inclined to try another one. Given how Lost ended and how many other serial shows get cancelled, it's more a question of the ending