
I just want to say that I’m relieved at how few straight-up vegetarian bashing responses there are to this post so far.

“That was actually kind of weird,” he commented, smiling.

White bean and escarole.

There already is a genre bending mobster rom-com: Married to the Mob. The BEST Michelle Pfeiffer movie EVER.

Me too!

It is just a homograph. Try pronouncing it La Cheena.

This whole thread is full of Lynchian twists! I’m going full Eraserhead right now!

I used to name my house spiders, too! I couldn’t beat them, I figured it was the best way to accept their presence.

I’m going to eat a pimento sandwich in his honor.

I would like it if we could introduce Dorothy Parker quotes into every thread from here on out.

Oh dear, Spike is VERY popular with me, and I’m a mom.

Ugh. I like those actors, but hated the book.

I’m ridiculously happy at the prospect of giving Xander a long hug.

Close, but no cigar.

They started requiring IDs for flights while my grandmother was visiting, so she didn’t need one for her initial flight, but did need one for her return flight. Since she had not brought any ID with her, my father took her picture and made one on the computer. He laminated it as a finishing touch, but that’s it. They

Man. I went on Jeopardy! and all I got was one vaguely lewd tweet.

So he missed the Secret Service code name question? Maybe that’s best. He might have had to break something.