
trumps solution will be to park a tank in front of every high school.

Swatting needs to be a federal crime.

Same with ivanka.

She’s claiming voter fraud to keep a seat she never earned in the first place. Classic right winger.

What the “trump effect” means for republicans in 2018:

She looks like a dried apricot.

Fuck off troll.

Ugh. Just stop and be wrong.

Well, the right wing is already calling this last shooting a false flag, so these kids don’t actually exist and this is all fake news holy shit this is actually real this is actually America right now.

If you are a russian puppet, you are a russian puppet.

I don’t have any respect for the Olympics. The Olympics is not about the best of the best athletes. Its about the best of the best pharmacists. I’m also getting sick of seeing the countries/cities that host the Olympics get ripped off. The Olympics needs to end.

jesus fucking christ. trump has blamed everyone except for the fucking shooter.

If you never go to a concert, its not a problem.

Tool has a better track record than GNR.

For close to 100 years photography has been a method for gross men to see young women naked in the name of art.

Unfollow or unfriend the person who posted the video. Problem solved.