
I believe in a kind and generous United States, where the hungry are fed, the sick are cared for, and the homeless are sheltered.

How long until the right wing claim this is a false flag and that these kids dont actually exist?

Your hysterical meltdown is not constructive at all.

You sound triggered, snowflake.

Are these said parking attendants?


I don’t know. I imagine Bannon sitting in his chair with heart pounding and his face flushed (more than usual) feeling like he did when he was 10 years old and being called into the principals office. Sticking to the script was probably the only thing keeping him from bursting into tears.

Tell that to your grandmother.

They’re like the Kardashians, but with less power.

Hereditary Rule is a bad thing and I wish we didn’t celebrate it so much. Its a big part of the reason the world has the problems it has.

The GOP and republicans are heartless soulless scum without an ounce of ethics or morals. Lets just be honest here.

They will look into his background, find his parents are democrats and fox news/trump will attack him for the next 6 months.

1 to 1 exchange.