The “beauty” of Kickstarter is that anyone can make a product. Even people that have no clue or experience with what they are doing.
The “beauty” of Kickstarter is that anyone can make a product. Even people that have no clue or experience with what they are doing.
if you don’t like it you can move back to the suburbs.
It came from my frustration of few bad, unfair reviews on Valve’s Steam only.
Town hall meetings? Do they even have the guts to show their faces these days?
It’s better than yours. And you should be mad about that.
This is a dumb take.
Yes! Thats it. It was basically Jersey Shore before Jersey Shore.
Republicans are like those ostriches that bury their head in the sand to ignore the reality that their party is in bed with a hostile foreign government because they elected a failed businessman/conman president.
It was an LLC set up to receive bribes for trump. Period. End of story.
Does anyone remember that proto-Jersey Shore show that MTV did back in the late 1990's? That one guy was yelling about his Cheese Balls? Just me?
Side note: Video game industry workers need to unionize.
Maybe he sees alcohol as medicine?
The living further away for more affordable housing is a pretty big thing in Los Angeles, and I think in the San Francisco area too.
Super simple solution anyone can do! Actually in California this solution is not viable.
Go back to your video games kid. Adults are talking.
I hope that was sarcasm.