A Male Goodbye

“Trump did not actually flatline on Saturday”

Wordpress doesn’t allow boobs, but this twat cam have a Twitter account. Internet for all. Yay?

I’m hoping there will be a break from the bullshit once the baby boomers finally die off. 

He fully lost it years ago. We simply have his dementia shoved in our faces daily like an elderly family member who asks if you fed the cat they owned 40 years ago. 

The best possible conclusion is Trump being the bitch in a minority a prison chain gangbang.

It’ll be lovely for Fox to live the nightmare now. Also, I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: fuck Fox. 

Well. That only took a year and a half. 

Can this be imposed on almost the rest of Twitter? Because he’s just one of many lunatics with big followings on that platform.

Why can’t we just be happy with the fun thing Marvel gave us to enjoy.

What a truly, giant fucking idiot.

I just spoke with a friend who works at Marvel and they are PISSED. This poster has serious fucking spoilers in it. First, you fucking idiots, just because your audience needs everything spelled out, doesn’t mean we want shit spoiled. It removes part of the fun, so thanks for the spill on Valkyrie - I had my

I’m not digging that poster even a little bit. 

“Thoughts” On Planes.


Oh good. I was looking for another reason to not watch the Oscars.