Ivana Pusherova

Absolutely. Also, these people in my community are trained to speak kid language. One of the exercises they do is to project pictures of famous couples and ask the students to describe them and the relationship. Then they’d discuss if they think it’s healthy and if any behaviors are healthy or unhealthy. The trainers

My abusive ex also loved animals. Well until he was well and truly pissed at me. Then all of a sudden my dog started getting sick. Ex is gone, dog is better. Weird, huh?

Yes yes yes! I totally agree with you about girls feeling like they need to be polite in everything they do. ANY gut feeling that gives you a red flag should be the indication to get the fuck out. This doesn’t even just apply to abuse. If someone does/says something that makes you get that weird gut feeling, leave.

I’ve spent the last 5 years of my career very involved in DV education & many aspects of DV (prosecution, advocacy, training, etc.). I’ve read the articles in this series, so I’m familiar with the chosen format. However, I’m super disappointed in this discussion. This is an incredibly important topic. Knowledge and

I think a discussion about how hitting a partner in the face with a hot plate—which could’ve seriously injured him—is also abusive is missing from this article....

Miller worked for Ted Cruz, too. The hypocrisy of their leaders doesn’t bother the Republican base, it never has. As long as they keep saying they’re for family values, they can get away with all kinds of hypocrisy.

For the second half of my undergrad, I transferred from a public to religiously affiliated college and of my teachers was a nun. We had to do some sort of paper regarding our religious philosophy or how we were raised or something like that. I bravely wrote about how I had been raised as a pagan by my best friends

As a fallen catholic, I would definitely join this church.

I live next door to a bunch of nuns. Not only are they actively engaged in the kind of work that most progressives just pay lip service to, they are fantastic neighbors. All I know is that, if these nuns started their own church, I’d join it.

Also, did anyone else see the clip where Trump claimed people have been “suffering” under ObamaCare for the last SEVENTEEN years? This schmuck can’t even read from a prepared statement correctly.

If I wanted to sleep at an Applebee’s, I would just sleep at an Applebee’s.

Plant Delights Nursery catalog always has an insane cover and the plant descriptions are hilarious.

This is currently my favorite New Yorker cartoon:


Yes. Yes, I did.

The lawyers were told to leave the settlement check on the nightstand.

They’ve been bringing a hairbrush to a gunfight. They’re finally bringing knives.