
It just sounds angry as hell, beautiful.

Someone did a study on average “gang banger” income and concluded McDonald’s pays better. What would you expect when one of the crew strikes it rich...

I guess bridges are a state by state problem. In Massachusetts you can gross 99k with any length 18 wheel trailer dump and a permit. 10 wheelers can gross 80k with an overweight permit. Again no restriction on length, axle and tire capacities can’t be exceeded either.

I’m from MA too, Shaun. I feel safer that a special permit is required for a “assault type/ high capacity” weapon. FID cards approved by your local police chief are required for any gun purchase, not that insane of a law, either.

Being from New England, that is a screaming bargain.

I need room for tools, it would be a nice Ute.

Cummins and Detroit diesels built in the 1950's had 4 valves (Detroit had 4 exhaust valves) and never saw north of 2500 rpm. 

I agree about the looks  but hearing the gas sloshing behind the seat was never a “safe” feeling.

What that Jeep is really about is US Gov employer/employee relations. Imagine paying for a vehicle design and choosing this. Nothing but Hate here. Enjoy your contracted raise whilst spending your day in hell, Union member.

It could be good news for Camaros to have seperate powertrain families. I always thought GM’s big worry was that something might out perform the Vette. 

I think it could be an opportunity for someone to build and rent range extender trailors. Equipped with either a small generator or batteries or both. Profit.

I’m waiting for the first yahoo to put a few bullets in one of Tesla’s grid level “Powerwalls”. What would Megawatts of thermal runaway look like?

I am pretty sure that’s the first BOF vehicle with crumple zones.

My 4 wheel nemasis was 1968 Impala Custom Coupe. After spending a good portion of my teenage years being driven around in one, I was given two and couldn’t afford anything else.

History will remember people of courage favorably. Tough luck for Jerry Jones. Go Mr Jenkins.

Good luck with rationality as far as transportation goes in this country. Trump is probably looking at going back to steam locomotives as a way to bail out the coal mines. Self driving cars will end the madness.