
Eloquii! Their quality got like a million times better when they relaunched. I just got 2 really cute crop tops yesterday.

I LOVE R&B Drake...love love love. My faves have to be "I Get Lonely Too", "Slow It Down", and "A Night Off" with Lloyd. I love the piece you guys with Drake's vocal coach (I need her to work with J Cole next) and I need Drake to do an all-singing album.

I suppose this is a "know your audience" thing & we have people invited to our wedding who are happy to buy us things that we'll actually use instead of generic things we're "supposed" to register for. My fiance & I are in our 30s & already live together, so there's no allusion of setting up a home - we already have

Horrible advice. There's no obligation to buy from a registry or a specific item from someone's registry, so if they want to register for a flat screen or nice speakers, more power to them. Plus I'd rather get them the flat screen they'd actually use, than the candy dish that their mother & "decorum" made them

I'm getting married on Pi Day this year :-) You totally should have proposed on Pi Day

With that new haircut Kim K looks like Naya Rivera...which is hilarious after Kim & her people accused Naya of trying to Single White Female her.

I'm wearing these to my March wedding

OMG I feel bad for every single bride. My mother was actually a dream when we went dress shopping - not a single negative shady comment and we actually liked a lot of the same gowns. When I found The One, she started crying first! The icing on the cake was her surprising me by telling me that she was paying for my

I watch Suits SOLELY to drool over Gina Torres. She is so fahn in them damn dresses she wears on the show! I want to do her & then I need her to teach me how to get as fine as her...

WHY DIDN'T YOU POST THIS OVER THE WEEKEND??? I had a nail that was cracked from both edges & I wound up cutting it off (in Ikea actually) cause it was catching on things and I was afraid my nail was gonna rip off. I really wish I could have saved it. Definitely will be using this tip next time.

I've always thought Big Sean & Naya were together in a "our managers made us be in this fake relationship for publicity" way. Yall REALLY thought they were a real couple?

I'm still upset that Netflix dropped "Who's Wedding Is It Anyway?" and I didn't know so that I could binge watch before it went away. :-(

I heard the Mascara song last week and I liked it...I need to listen to the rest of this album.

Clearly the SIL is a nutjob and the husband is a pussy who is too scared to tell his sister to get his shit together.

I'm actually not having a maid/matron of honor, just 4 bridesmaids cause I didn't want to single out anyone as "better" or more special than the others, or feel like she had to do more work.

I love APW and their commenters are so thoughtful - it's not a total lovefest but at least everyone is civil.

1. In grad school I was absent-mindedly playing with a little mini -stapler, and I got a staple in my thumb. It went fully in, the top the staple was flush with my thumb. My friend pulled it out for me & I could feel it catching on the muscles in my thumb.

Only kids invited to our wedding are the kids in the wedding. The majority of our guests do't have kids, and the few that do are looking forward to a night away for adult time. Sounds like a win-win to me.

I saw the film on Christmas Eve in Atlanta. There's a scene where a young Black protester is shot & killed by a state trooper, and my first thought was "it's been 50 years and nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing." Most White people don't walk around with "Niggers Go Home" signs and Confederate flags anymore,

I read this book - it was one of those $5 clearance deals at B&N. It was predictable but decent beach read. Kind of curious how this will play on tv.