
I got engaged a month ago (yay!) and I'm not trying to be that friend who asks her bridal party to pay for a ton of stuff. I'm looking at dresses that can either be rented (yay Little orrowed Dress!) or under $100 (thank you Target!). I don't want a crazy wild bachelorette weekend out of town, and I don't expect my

Girl I was 19 and came home late from a date when I turned on MTV and heard the news...I'm now 31 and I still miss me some Aaliyah & I play her albums & reminisce.

I've been looking forward to this movie for a while - they filmed on my alma mater's campus and I heard lots of great things.

Suri Cruise has a Blackberry? It's gotta be child abuse to subject a child to that kind of out of date technology!

I'm totally good with taking a tablespoon of melted coconut oil in the morning (though I can't take it solid) but the idea of bullet coffee just grosses me out. I think I have too much of a mental block to even try it. I'll stick with regular coffee for now, maybe one day I can work up to it.

As a newly engaged lady I'd be super pissed if Bill Murray crashed my engagement photos. Pissed!

Actually all eight (at the time) NPHC orgs were represented on A Different World throughout the years.

I fucks with Iggy Azalea. I was excited when she got signed to Grand Hustle & her mixtapes were dope. I was listening to The New Classic today and it's...underwhelming. I'm impressed with her flow, I hear TI's influence in her flow, but I found the production on her album to be unimpressive, she had better stuff on

I met my fiance on Twitter. He responded to one of my tweets, that led to DMs, then Gchat, then texts and finally meeting in person. Whenever people ask us how we met, we say "on Twitter" and people respond with "You can do that???". Why yes, yes you can :-) I met the love of my life on Twitter & I'm so thankful I

Some of the new stuff from the new Eloquii is cute but I need a coupon code because I can't afford to spend $100 on 2 pieces, especially if it's made as shoddily as the old Eloquii items were. Here's hoping the quality is better and the pricing gets better.

Seriously my eyes started glazing over after that first paragraph. Talk about catchy!

Been hanging out in Black Twitter again?

I just saw this and it's so full of win for me. I loves me some Amber Rose and Iggy, and Waka in this just made me die laughing. Plus I love Mean Girls and the phone scene is one of my faves...

My local hospital was advertising a study for a similar product, that involved having 2 balloons placed in the stomach and then filling with saline, to take up space in the stomach so that you'd eat less. I wonder how that worked out - in their literature they said that people would lose about 30% of their excess

I'm a Sigma Gamma Rho so I was happy to jump in :-)

Also remember that Sigma Gamma Rho was founded at Butler University in Indiana. They and Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha have the distinction of being NPHC orgs that were founded at PWIs.

Let me tell you, I was already a closet Beyonce stan but with this new album I'm making my love of Queen Bey widely known. This woman put together a beautiful album, full of grown ass woman pronouncements, a woman owning her sexuality, owning the fact that she's a fucking boss & she wants other women to realize they

I loved my Nuvaring because of the ease, but my body did not - my body started attacking the Nuvaring & it threw off my pH & bacterial balance. Luckily I never dealt with any of the blood clot issues.

I'm sorry to hear that your search hasn't been fruitful. I can relate - I once had a 2 year job search.

I think in those situations it's important to tailor your cover letters and resume and really highlight why you'd be a good fit. You can talk about how you've acheived X, Y & Z in your own business. As for applying to supervisor roles & the possibility of you not staying, write about why you're interested in the role!