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    As far as I understand it, though, McDonalds in the US is losing out to other fast food joints that also go for the lower income demographic. I mean, a Big Mac Meal in Indiana is some $6. That’s not cheaper than other fast food places.

    McDonalds is fast losing popularity in the US too, though. And here (in the US) it’s not really affordable compared to newer competition: 5 Guys, Chipotle, In and Out, etc. And the competition isn’t necessarily healthier either.

    ¡Viva Filipinas!

    The 1970s were possibly the absolute nadir of American eating habits. That’s common knowledge

    Yes, I heard one pundit say that once on TV. But since no one else was repeating it, I thought maybe I had dreamt it or that he was wrong, haha.

    We were told by the media he’d be the front runner. What they didn’t tell us is how bad of a campaigner he is. A surprise for those of us not from Florida.

    It’s different for those who didn’t grow up here in the US.

    We found the article from the “Yale Daily News” about the whole scam, so — it wasn’t a scam, it was a parody.


    He’s making money off of it. Just like the Liberty Council, the ones providing Davis with “legal advice.” The sucker here is Kim Davis. Poor her!

    Most sex worker activists in the US who write on the internet, such as at the site the author co-founded, hate the Nordic Model. So, yeah, not just the ones you know.

    Yeah. Even the second sentence of this article is questionable: “Marissa Janae Johnson and Mara Jacqeline Willaford, representing the local chapter of Black Lives Matter..” As I understand it, mostly from a detailed Daily Beast article, no one knew they were going to disrupt that Sanders event, and it was a

    The Daily Beast also looked at public records yesterday that say the father is white. So, it’s not just right-wing rumors. (Or is the Daily Beast right-wing?)

    Wow. I studied in Germany and have been to Zürich several times, and all was fine. But I guess it’s different as an adult, compared to being a school kid.

    One study on this said it would take 20 years and cost between 400 billion and 600 billion dollars. And it was a right-leaning group that did the study.

    In addition to the trade war of sorts he wants to get into with Mexico to pay for the Game of Thrones wall.

    Yeah, experiences will differ. I went to private schools in Cleveland where I was just about the only Asian, and it wasn’t bad. If I had gone to the public school though, might have been different.

    May I ask where you were in Europe?

    How come I never see any “natural” pork options? For example, my local Target offers two brands of organic, grass-fed beef, and there’s various “natural” chickens available, like organic, air-chilled Bell & Evans, but with pork, no options at all.

    Except multiculturalism in the West was founded on genocide of the Indians in the US, slavery of Africans, and colonial enterprises like that of the British in India. And now, after all that, whites are pretending that never happened and we are all starting from a fresh new state of affairs where whites are dealing