
that guy looks exactly how i picture most trumpsters

Not really. There’s a big fat tie in the middle of that streak. There are no ties in MLB.

I’m a Pirates fan who has adopted the Indians. This is an insanely likeable team (sans the whole racist logo). All the players are a joy to root for.

Cleveland: we’re not Detroit.

20 Game Streak Insane Factoid:

Puto is the bottom in a male homosexual relationship.

The people of European descent hadn’t yet lost their taste for liquorice.

Some of those names, though.. Carmies...Juicelets...Lic-Res-Ette. Not to mention I see at least four items with licorice in it. What the hell was going on with licorice back then?

Jujyfruits still taste the same after sitting there for almost 100 years.

For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...

Interestingly, it was one of these nationality-specific bans in the early 1920s that resulted in a foothold for Mexican-Americans in some Northern cities. When the supply of low-skilled industrial workers from Eastern and Southern Europe suddenly ran low, factory owners looked to Mexico for “temporary” workers.

Mexican Repatriation was the forced deportation of Mexicans who were living on California, Colorado and Texas after the Mexican American War when USA took part of Mexico’s territory, they wanted the land but they kicked out the people.

They also left out the law passed in California, that essentially said that no Chinese person could testify in court. People were actively encouraged to go after them. It was essentially a prequel to the Purge movie. Rob, rape, murder and it was just fine. The racism was so thick you could find it in the newspapers

It’s not widely known, but in 1906 there was an international incident that precipitated the Gentleman’s Agreement and caused significant harm to Japanese-American relations for the next 3 decades.

in addition to its restrictions on Asian immigrants, the act also excluded “convicted criminals, chronic alcoholics, and people with contagious diseases, but also people with epilepsy, anarchists, most people who couldn’t read,” and anyone deemed likely to “become a public charge.”

Thanks for the info. I want some of those kit kat flavors.

It’s normal flavoured kit kats on puffed rice...

Oh god. All of a sudden her modeling photos from 20 years ago would be proof she’s an airheaded slut. And if she criticized Donald in public it would just get worse.