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    Hmm. I grew up pre-internet and I haven’t noticed a difference in blowjobs back then compared to with internet porn now.

    I guess that’s not the way “the rich” travel.

    Yeah. Not sure why the author thinks we want to go to “top resorts,” which are little islands of rich white people.

    Hmm. I’ve never heard of this. Does such a system exist in other countries? Only places I could think of would be China or the USSR, in order to look good on the international sports stage.

    Sorry to have make this reminder, but the little blue pill does not increase men’s sex drive.

    I guess it’s just a matter of time. Happened to me a few years ago on campus while I was teaching. The year before that, happened where I used to go to elementary school, and I had a student in my class who had just graduated from where the shooting happened. We’ll all have our personal stories...

    Ha! Yeah, that’s how we recorded music in the 70s. You’d have to put the cassette recorder up to the stereo speaker and keep quiet!

    Maybe it works that way for hardcore Republican voters. But Trump is getting crushed by both Hillary and Bernie in one-on-one polls. I think one poll had Bernie beating him by 20 points.

    Trump made racist comments about Mexicans. His whole birther thing towards Obama was racist as well. This isn’t just about a policy difference with Democrats.

    Nice! Doesn’t sound too cumbia, though. Or is it just with this song that it’s like that?

    It’s been suggested that this was why he didn’t run for office before, lest all this stuff come out again. It looks like, after an initial bit of shock, the media has finally started to treat him like they would any other candidate, and poke around in his past.

    Make sure to read Laura Agustín, especially her book, “Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry.” One problem with talk and studies about “sex trafficking,” is that there is no single agreed-on definition that everyone uses. For some, ALL sex work is sex trafficking. And as described in

    Even brown women and those who don’t speak English have agency and make choices. Have no idea what distinction you are trying to make here, but I sense a bit of colonialist thought.

    I didn’t read the link, but with e-cigarettes, less nicotine is transfered compared to inhaled smoke from cigarette. The benefit, though, is that you avoid all the harmful things like CO, tar, and a lot of chemicals.

    Yeah, I have one of those too. I use this instead:

    Same here. These cocottes and almost everything else on the list I would use!

    Yeah, it sounds sorta like a dry throat. It’s easy not to notice, but once someone points it out, it’s hard to ignore, as the article notes.

    That’s what her lawyer put out. Those aren’t facts. The person leading the investigation is the one who I paraphrased in my comment:

    Yeah. Reminds me of Ultraviolence, how, at first, I wasn’t too impressed with the songs. But then they later really, really grew on me. I can see that happening with this song. It takes an interesting turn, for example, a full 4 minutes into it.

    I love Rihanna. But, yeah, her songs aren’t that good.