I guess now is as good a time as any to admit something to you all.
I was Frank Stallone the whole time.
I guess now is as good a time as any to admit something to you all.
I was Frank Stallone the whole time.
One last comment…
More like "Cucker" Carlson, amiright?
I hope this movie starts with Morrissey deepthroating a chicken wing.
He was just disoriented because he spends most of his free time staring at the sun.
Steve Bannon looks like the offspring of cancer and aids, but bloated.
That's "Human Anal Fissure Steve Bannon", William.
Feel sorrier for those staffers who had to look at his face every day.
All of Trump's shit is once again making us lose sight of one key fact…
Nazi Punks Fuck Off.
When your entire ad campaign is meant to remind people of another movie… you might be a bad movie.
presumably, the other 14% is Sloth from Goonies.
THIS VIOLATES THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!! The first amendment says that you are automatically allowed to have your music on a streaming site, even if you promote hate and the site must allow you to do so!
" the AV Club erases the contributions of Nichelle and Malcolm Spellman"
I always thought CATS had more layers than it was letting on.
Predator: Westeros
This season's renewed focus on excriment is heartening.
You can't really tell in the photos; Jesse Waters head is in the way for most of them.