
Man, FX is really pulling out all the stops for AHS promotion this year.

Not as long as the checks cleared.

*Bill Maher clears his weekend schedule

If you wanna get in Venom, then Vemon's gotta get in you.

Donald Trump.

He hates anyone who disparages Trump. He is Trump's most loyal throater.

Unless HBO hires people to get them first. Then they'll be Six Feet Under.

As always, it must be noted that Mike Pence electroshocks his balls in an attempt to suppress homosexual thoughts.

At least he still has integrity.

Yeah, Rush is right. A reality were the cruel thrive and the good suffer at their mercy is too out of touch from reality. MILLENNIALS!!

My parents brought home three. Cabin Boy, It's a Wonderful Life and The Avengers 1997 version. IaWL was the obvious winner of the bunch; we watched Cabin Boy once and never thought of it again; The Avengers was another story. We popped it in, unasumingly, and were subject to about a half hour of this nonsense. Once we

We have a winner!!!

Having seen every episode, I don't think I laughed harder than at "Where's Katie? Tell her I wanna fuck her."


Hey! You try coming up with a better title than "Game of Thrones 64"…

SEE! Can't do it.

It's a shoe-in next year for the new category Outstanding Achievement in Female Replacing.

Nic Cage as all the women!!!

Great picks, though my personal favorite is this chestnut of wisdom…

Fair and Balanced…