Big surprise. A company that flouted the law in many cities and operated illegally is actually a shit company.
Big surprise. A company that flouted the law in many cities and operated illegally is actually a shit company.
“I’m not dead” sounds like something a dead person would say
Nah, they’re just hanging out with all the Democratic Trump supporters and Black White Supremacists.
Actually, I did, but I was pretty sure that no one wanted to talk about that.
with a vinyl windshield cover still on
So, fuck this guy then. He got all the love when he died, but he would clearly have been guilty of manslaughter had he lived. He killed two people.
It is a story as old as time...
With no radar or GPS plotter..
... in the middle of the night
Who would’ve thought the 3 am boat crash in Miami would involve drugs and alcohol
The lesson, as always: Don’t drink and do cocaine and then leave the bar and go drive your boat as fast as it goes.
I can’t generate much sympathy for someone who buys a P100D but wants to save a few Gs on repairs. The plight of the wealthy. I would recommend a Corolla, or possibly a Malibu Maxx.
Did I miss the memo or something. Since when do f1 cars have to be bland and boring? God forbid anyone enjoy themselves.
This is the best 2017 Formula 1 livery
Who exactly are they shitting here? Their values are fuck everything, make money.. it’s a business, they are just afraid there are 10 or 15 families out there that won’t buy their crap anymore because they like tear soaked sliced bread more then a fruity, whiny bag of unicorn crap flavored candy..
Stupid Kyle. He didn’t even try to talk about it or see a replay, he just walked right up and cold-cocked Joey.
It’s a cover story for a bribe, is what it is.
Maybe he can apply for a H1-B visa and coach soccer at Baylor.
“...bless their hearts...”
They’re teenagers with a gun who tried to rob someone. Do you really think they’re the thinking type? But I’m sure they’ll have plenty of time to become philosophers in prison over the next few decades.