What about the people of Jalopnik ?
What about the people of Jalopnik ?
Renault Engine is still the least of the pack, without Honda... almost sound like they should stick with Honda at this point.
Honda lost 2 years trying to make an engine that fits Mclaren’s “zero size” packaging philosophy. It never worked. This year Honda went for a more traditional packaging and the car is not the joke it used to be, as it can run mid-pack.
No, this is more petty. Last I checked Subway does not sell donuts, they focus on sandwiches for the most part.
Lots of people shit on Earnhardt back in the day. People generally don’t speak ill of the dead.
I enjoyed the Honda jokes at first, but at this point, they’re just played out and stale.
Never, EVER, estimate the stupidity, gullibility, or general idiocy of religious people.
Can’t help but notice that the NASCAR version has windows big enough to se out of...
BMW as a graduation gift? I’m assuming she entered a 1-way construction zone illegally and the truck driving towards her was the pilot car.
I hope Porsche quits. With no Porsche LMP1 fails. If LMP1 fails WEC has to rethink things. Then maybe we get a return of a class that runs Hypercars like the P1, LaFerrari, 918, Konigsegg, Pagani, etc.
Barron looks tall for his age. I hope Melania is miserable and they place poor Barron in a boarding school. The less he has to do with his family, the better.
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
Strickland is a goon.
The only thing I really haven’t done with the Lancer is find its top speed. It’s been on track a lot! But I don’t know how fast it’ll go. Something something responsible adult something too afraid of getting arrested in West Texas now (something). This would be the appropriate venue to answer such a question.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Yes, the unemployed American autoworker will sleep better at night knowing that BMW is building a brand new, fully automated, factory in their town... at a 100% tax exemption, of course.
He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.