
To me it’s not depressing. It’s a reminder that cars are just a pile of parts screwed together, a product to be enjoyed and used. It’s mortal and transient, just like everything. I’ll die someday, and so shall these expensive cars. Then everything we know will turn to dust, but that doesn’t really matter, because we

It would be much better for them to be assigned to pick up all the trash that other idiots throw out of their cars for a few months than wishing they were dead.

I was a TRSS instructor a few years ago. That was some of the most fun I’ve ever had. Teaching kids what it’s like to completely lose control and go spinning and seeing their terrified eyes was hilarious (in a safe environment, that is).

Pretty sure you shouldn’t be having sex with teenagers.

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?

Sponsors would never invest in “Stock Car” racing. They’re too busy sponsoring Stock Car racing.

They should use another track in addition to the ring. If they win both, they would hold the coveted ‘two roads, one cup’

They could televise it. Call it “stock car” racing. Wouldn’t even have to be only at the ‘ring - travel around and race on different tracks! He’s on to something here.

Careful about using Motorsport.com as a source, they’re known to just make shit up and put words in people’s mouths.

Most advanced Dodge ever sounds like a backhanded compliment, and something not very hard to accomplish.

Woah woah woah, Raph is the one who is ignorant to this. Leave Scarbs alone; that dude knows his stuff. Anyway, they covered this a lot last year when teams started running serrated gurney flaps on the trailing edge of wings...

Politics has nothing to do with hating hearing about Tebow, or hating that Tebow gets a free ride to suck ass at baseball, taking roster spots from countless other minor league actual-baseball-players just so whatever franchise can sell some jerseys and tickets to Tebow sheep.

They’re getting the fuck out of the dugout since apparently that’s where the jackass is aiming with the bat flip.

Having owned a BMW of a few years ago (2009), I am befuddled by the notion that anything could be less reliable.

If it was quality I wouldn’t put it past them. BMW’s now are, according to my girls best friend who’s a BMW tech and other BMW techs I’ve talked to, shit quality and reliability wise compared to even just a few years ago. So if this was come kind of oversight I wouldnt be surprised.

Here’s a rare one, Pacific Grizzly.

...you don’t understand how this works. The stock is already priced like they are a company near Ford’s level (look at the market cap) and they have yet to execute on much. They have a ton of risk going forward and little upside due to that valuation. Cliffs: You already missed the time to “get in early.”

400k refundable reservations while Ford sold 2.6 million vehicles last year. Tesla surely has less in assets and I doubt their tech justifies that valuation. I’d say it’s more likely that Wall Street hype has convinced some suckers that Tesla is the new hot thing (like GPRO, TWTR, or 100 other stocks).

Chiron is too much of a fat lard to get a time like that