
1. Dolt45 is not my president

Jeep is a generic name for SUVS in the non enthusiast world. My friend drives a Kia Sorento but calls it her jeep. It drives me insane but I don’t say anything because I’m nerdy enough already.

As are most RX-7's.

Why not just NOT have fake tips not attached to the pipes?

Because this is Foxtrot Alpha, not original Jalopnik.

A ton, yes. I believe they adopted six. Those poor fucking kids.

That really is the insidious part of this, it really is a vicious cycle.

Adopted son, very likely abused by Dad. Not excusing his actions but he was created by his farther. He deserves any sentence he gets but in addition to that, any sentence he gets should be tacked onto Jerry’s as well.

sadly enough, the children of abusers often become abusers themselves

I’m Canadian (Montreal). From my perspective, he’s more centre than left. I think he’s good, but he could be better.

The apology was a grammatical error rather than spelling since “apologizes” is spelled correctly.

As long as you feel the same about the 8 year old girl killed in the fuckup Yemen raid. Wouldn’t want to be hypocritical now would you?

He actually just got caught starting a new corporation before the inauguration (with him named as president).

Congratulations, Mr. MonkeePuzzle, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Yugo which this lovely girl will deliver................hopefully. *crosses fingers*


He tried to paraphrase what Politico wrote and failed. Here’s the original:

OHSA is like a cop after a traffic accident,rarely do they educate before the fact only there afterwards to hand out fines.Just my opinion.

“a 90-year-old federal law prevents shipyard workers from suing their employers”

One of the annoying things about our system is that the President is both Head of State and Head of the Government. In many other countries, this role is split, where the Head of State does the ceremonial stuff and the Head of Government does the real work. (Queen of England/Prime Minister)

I was disappointed in Tim